I added like 10 of them to my to-do list! One idea after another, I got a pretty big list so I thought: why not to share them with you, guys? Keeping in mind the popularity of potlucks in other countries, such a collection of make-ahead friendly breakfast recipes will be in handy, right? There are some really awesome ideas in this selection. Anyway, I had some spare time so I decided to help her out by looking for recipes on Pinterest and other foodie places. In our family, I am considered to be some sort of a food authority just because I have a blog, despite the fact that she cooks as good as I do or even better. My sister, though, is going to have her very first potluck (breakfast) at her workplace next week so she asked me for some ideas on what to prepare. Moreover, I would be easily able to participate in potlucks with my friends but they are just not into it (potlucks are not so widespread and popular in my country). Okay now I sound like someone who is not happy with her lifestyle and let me assure you – it’s not like that at all! I love being stay-at-home mom and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Almost all of them were organized at my last workplace and when I left the job to give a birth and raise a baby, all fun food parties stayed in the past. Why past tense? Because I haven’t participated in any for a few years now.